Monday, January 26, 2009

Lyra's Word World

Lyra has been in her nap talking on her way to sleep. She started yelling her own name, which I've never heard her do there, so I started trying to type what she was saying. She has the book Goodnight Moon in the crib with her. "Emmy, Caru, Mama, Leeli" are friends of hers. "boocoo!" is what peekaboo sounds like to her. I think Nicky is the name of a boy in another book near her crib. This is what I got:

mommy fish mommy boy? no boy? Lee-RAH Lee-RAH! ducks? veemaga wa. Lee-RAH way-bye. Warooah. Mommy? phone? mommy? Nap. Weeohrah. No boy. Mommy? Bo? oh ow oh. Emmy! Caru! Mama! Leeli! Moon! Moon! Down. (laughing) boop boop boo. Moon? Ay moon. Bah? ba ba. baby? ring. rah. Nah. no. Num Nap! nap! nap? no. nap. wee whoa ah, wee wewe wee oh wee! wee! wee! om WEE! WEE! bash, bash. Voooo, Gooo, voooo, mommy. Oh mommy okay. No? okay. Moon? veee? moon. moon? Moo moo moon. No. Nicky. Ball. Ball? Ball. Wash? whoa, going? weep weep, ducks. wwwww-why. ducks? www-why doi doi whooo- ly, LEERAH, mommy, LEERAH LEERAH! Ah ah moo moo. Meee, up! Mee up! Buk. Bux. Caru? Mama? shu shu mee ma. lada. Whoo woo! Open! Shut! Mowey? No go. Off. Biff? no. wok wok wok. wok wok. WOK! Beep beep. Moon. Boocoo! Knock knock.

(some of the repetitions must be imagined in various pitches.)

We had lunch together after music class and she said "baby!?" when a baby meeped somewhere in the restaurant. I said "oh, did you hear a baby?" She nodded emphatically. "Mommy! baby look?" she asked, and so we went and looked at the baby. She's getting pretty close to sentences.



At 5:13 PM, Blogger Ken Hart said...

That's hysterical! Those words should be in a Talking Heads song.

Jordana is starting the sentence thing now. About four weeks ago, I picked her up from daycare and she wouldn't leave behind a plush photo holder; we had first brought it with us to China and had been leaving it in her crib at daycare the past year. It has pictures of me and Judy and the two cats. Well, all Jordana knew was that it was something from her room with Miss Natana. So the next day, Jordana is holding it at home and she says, "Miss Natana give pictures Mommy Daddy." I said, "Holy crap, that's kind of a sentence!" And every day, she's getting just a teeny bit better ... It's a blast to watch.


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